How to book
Having visited our pages showing all the facilities Chinnor Village Hall can offer, the next most important thing for you to know, is "how to make a booking" and "how much will it cost".
All booking enquiries should be made to the Booking office either by calling 07599725942 or emailing alternatively complete our on-line enquiry form
On line Enquiry Form
Have the the following details ready:
- Name
- Contact details
- Date of hire
- Purpose ie party, fund raising event etc
- Time
- Facility preferred ie small hall, main hall, committee room
- Approximate numbers
- Entertainment

All enquiries are handled within 24hrs
Hire Rates
Ahhh now that would be telling, can't let the competitors know. Give us a call on 07599725942 or email:
Hire Agreement
Once a booking has been agreed, our booking administrator will contact you 1 week prior to your event, so that you can read and sign the Hire Agreement as well as pay your hire fee. You will also be given at this time a copy of the Chinnor Village Hall terms & conditions relating to clearing up after your event.
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
When signing your Hire Agreement, you will also be given a copy of the Chinnor Village Hall Emergency Evacuation Procedures.
There are 3 High Visability Jackets, with the Chinnor Village Hall logo, available as follows:-
- Main Hall via the various marked Fire Exits
- Small Hall by the fire doors opening out onto the rear car park
- Upstairs Committee room
The Muster Point is on the grass where the Jubillee tree is planted behind the bus stop
It is essential that Users do not congregate in the car parks, or on the pavement out into Church Road. It would also be useful if Users did not disappear into the Crown PH until they have been accounted for as this may cause confusion when carrying out a Head Count.
At the time of signing the Hire Agreement it will be possible to arrange for you to collect a set of keys from the Booking Administrator a day before the hire. These keys to be returned immediately at the end of the hire period.
Dancing the night away
If you wish to continue with any musical entertainment beyond 11.30pm you will need to apply to South Oxfordshire District Council for a Temporary Extension Notice. Visit their website here for further information and an on-line application form
Premises Licence - Chinnor Village Hall
Opening hours of the Premises
Monday - Sunday 09.00 - 23.30
Should you wish to extend beyond 23.30 as mentioned before you will need to apply for a Temporary Extension Note (TEN) from South Oxordshire District Council (SODC)
Licensable activities
Play Performance - Monday - Saturday 18.30 - 22.30
Live Music - Sunday - 18.30 - 23.00 all other days 18.30 - 23.30
Recorded Music - Sunday 18.30 - 23.00 all other days 18.30 - 23.30
Dance Performance - Sunday - 18.30 - 23.00 all other days 18.30 - 23.30
Alcohol On Sales - Sunday 12.00 - 23.00 all other days 12.00 - 23.30
Live music Christmas Eve - 00.00, New Years Eve 01.00