Chinnor Village Hall Policies

Chinnor Village Hall Safe Guarding Policy
PDF – 89.0 KB 145 downloads
CVH Risk Assessment.docx
PDF – 167.1 KB 140 downloads
Fire evacuation procedure
PDF – 97.3 KB 144 downloads


General Data Protection Regulation 25th May 2018

On the 25th May 2018 new legislation will be adopted regarding the collection of Personal Data. As part of the wider Village Hall Community we have been advised to compile relevant documents relating to Chinnor Village Hall, publish on our website, so that hirers / or prospective hirers can be assured that their personal data is being handled safely and securely and in-line with the new regulations.

IT data protection 2018
PDF – 479.1 KB 161 downloads

Chinnor Village Hall IT GDPR Policy /Terms & Conditions relating to our website

CVHData Protection Policy May 2018
PDF – 854.0 KB 141 downloads
Privacy Policy
PDF – 218.4 KB 140 downloads